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Here you can find useful information on how get the most from your stay, as well as some basic rules to follow.

We have WiFi ‘BTHub4-9KTC’ with password: 89a286p23d

User manuals for OvenMicrowave and Dishwasher are on the kitchen worktop. There is also washing powder and fabric conditioner under the sink in the utility room.

Magic mirror – wave you hand under the bottom right  of the mirror in the main bathroom to turn the light on/off.

Living room TV: Silver remote – press ‘TV’ then ‘Standby’. Then press ‘Sky’, ‘TV Guide’ then choose channel and press select.

Bedroom TV: Black remote – press red standby button, then press ‘Sky’ button on silver remote. Press ‘TV Guide’ choose a channel and press select. Volume can only be controlled on black remote.

If you require assistance or any other information, please get in touch with us at your leisure.

Special Notes

If the log burning stove is lit, it can burn for a long time, so if staying cool in the summer is an issue, then please refrain from lighting the stove.

If you are planning on spending some time outdoors in the summer months, always make sure that you apply some insect repellent to combat the insatiable midges. If you have never experienced a full-on midge attack, they can really ruin your day if caught out, so don’t say we haven’t warned you!